2025.01: Our paper: Multiview Equivariance Improves 3D Correspondence Understanding with Minimal Feature Finetuning is accepted to ICLR 2025! [Paper] [Code] [Huggingface Demo]

2025.01: Our paper: Make a Donut: Language-Guided Hierarchical EMD-Space Planning for Zero-shot Deformable Object Manipulation is accepted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L)! [Paper] [Code (Coming soon)] [Project Page]

2024.10: Our paper: ProvNeRF: Modeling per Point Provenance in NeRFs as a Stochastic Process is accepted to NeurIPS 2024! [Paper] [Project Page]

2024.07: Our paper: PACE: Pose Annotations in Cluttered Environments is accepted to ECCV 2024! [Paper] [Code] [Project Page]

2024.07: Our paper: Bridging the Gap Between Human Motion and Action Semantics via Kinematics Phrases is accepted to ECCV 2024! [Paper] [Project Page]

2024.06: Our paper: RPMArt: Towards Robust Perception and Manipulation for Articulated Objects is accepted to IROS 2024! [Paper] [Code] [Project Page]

2024.06: Our paper: CPPF++: Uncertainty-Aware Sim2Real Object Pose Estimation by Vote Aggregation is accepted to TPAMI 2024! This is perhaps the most generalizable category-level pose estimation method you can find, and it only requires cheap synthetic data for training! [Paper] [Code] [Project Page]

2024.01: Our paper: SparseDFF: Sparse-View Feature Distillation for One-Shot Dexterous Manipulation is accepted to ICLR 2024! [Paper] [Code]

2023.12: Our paper: Primitive-based 3D Human-Object Interaction Modelling and Programming is accepted to AAAI 2024! [Paper] [Code]

2023.03: Our paper: CRIN: Rotation-Invariant Point Cloud Analysis and Rotation Estimation via Centrifugal Reference Frame is accepted to AAAI 2023 Oral! [Paper] [Code]

2022.03: Our paper: UKPGAN: A General Self-Supervised Keypoint Detector is accepted to CVPR 2022! [Paper] [Code] [Project Page]

2022.03: Our paper: Canonical Voting: Towards Robust Oriented Bounding Box Detection in 3D Scenes is accepted to CVPR 2022! [Paper] [Code] [Project Page]

2022.03: Our paper: CPPF: Towards Robust Category-Level 9D Pose Estimation in the Wild is accepted to CVPR 2022! [Paper] [Code] [Project Page]

2021.11: Our paper: PRIN/SPRIN: On Extracting Point-wise Rotation Invariant Features is accepted to TPAMI, and to appear in the upcoming issues! [Paper] [Code] [Project Page]

2021.04: Our paper: Understanding Pixel-level 2D Image Semantics with 3D Keypoint Knowledge Engine is accepted to TPAMI, and to appear in the upcoming issues! [Paper] [Project Page]

2021.02: Our paper Skeleton Merger: an Unsupervised Aligned Keypoint Detector is accepted as CVPR 2021 Oral! [Paper] [Code]

2020.02: Our paper KeypointNet: A Large-scale 3D Keypoint Dataset Aggregated from Numerous Human Annotations is accepted to CVPR 2020! [Paper] [Code] [Project Page]